Agent-Based Modeling via graph rewriting

Kris Brown

(press s for speaker notes)



I. Motivation

II. AlgebraicRewriting overview

III. Agent-based programming

IV. Agent-based modeling

Goal: modeling framework which facilitates





I. Motivation - examples

  • Game of Life

  • COVID modeling

  • Discrete Lotka Volterra

I. Motivation - examples



Control flow

  • Discrete Lotka Volterra (link)
breed [ sheep a-sheep ]   ; sheep subtype of turtle
breed [ wolves wolf ]     ; wolf subtype of turtle
turtles-own [ energy ]    ; add energy attr to W + S
patches-own [ countdown ] ; add countdown attr to grid
to eat-sheep  ; wolf procedure
  let prey one-of sheep-here                ; grab a random sheep
  if prey != nobody  [                      
    ask prey [ die ]                        ; eat it
    set energy energy + wolf-gain-from-food ; get energy
ask sheep [
  set energy energy - 1  
  death ; sheep die if they run out of energy

ask wolves [
  set energy energy - 1  
  eat-sheep ; wolves eat a sheep on their patch
  death ; wolves die if they run out of energy
  reproduce-wolves ;

ask patches [ grow-grass ]

I. Motivation - examples

  • COVID modeling (link)


mutable struct PoorSoul <: AbstractAgent
    days_infected::Int  # number of days since is infected
    status::Symbol  # :S, :I or :R


function elastic_collision!(a, b)
  v1, v2, x1, x2 = a.vel, b.vel, a.pos, b.pos
  length(v1) != 2 && error("This works only for 2D")
  r1 = x1 .- x2; r2 = x2 .- x1
  !(dot(r2, v1) > 0 && dot(r2, v1) > 0) && return false
  dx,dv = a.pos .- b.pos, a.vel .- b.vel
  n = norm(dx)^2
  n == 0 && return false # do nothing if at the same pos.
  a.vel = v1 .- ( dot(v1 .- v2, r1) / n ) .* (r1)
  b.vel = v2 .-  ( dot(v2 .- v1, r2) / n ) .* (r2)
  return true

Control flow

for (a1, a2) in interacting_pairs(model, model.radius)
    transmit!(a1, a2, model.reinfection_probability)
    elastic_collision!(a1, a2)
  • Discrete Lotka Volterra (link)


breed [ sheep a-sheep ]   ; sheep subtype of turtle
breed [ wolves wolf ]     ; wolf subtype of turtle
turtles-own [ energy ]    ; add energy attr to W + S
patches-own [ countdown ] ; add countdown attr to grid


to eat-sheep  ; wolf procedure
  let prey one-of sheep-here                ; grab a random sheep
  if prey != nobody  [                      
    ask prey [ die ]                        ; eat it
    set energy energy + wolf-gain-from-food ; get energy

Control flow

ask sheep [
  set energy energy - 1  
  death ; sheep die if they run out of energy
ask wolves [
  set energy energy - 1  
  eat-sheep ; wolves eat a sheep on their patch
  death ; wolves die if they run out of energy
  reproduce-wolves ;
ask patches [ grow-grass ]

I. Challenges with getting engineers into graph rewriting

The syntax of graph rewrite rules has the virtues we want, but:

  • It is a syntax for atomic changes. Nondeterminism from match and rule choice.
  • Engineers / modelers need more determinism / coordinated rewriting.

What is a good syntax for talking about the algorithmic application of rewrite rules?1

I. General strategies for control

  1. Unordered rules, but control via constraints / maintain program state ‘in the graph’
  1. Directed graph of rewrite rules
    • No control of matches
    • No complex control flow

  1. General program with rewrite primatives
    • No explicit control of matches
    • Program language syntax

We want a graphical language for control flow + one which lets us say “use this match”.

II. AlgebraicRewriting

AlgebraicRewriting.jl is a library for graph rewriting written in Julia.

  • Part of the AlgebraicJulia ecosystem
    • Open source packages implementing computational CT / concrete applications.
    • General computer algebra features for working in a variety of categories
    • Emphasis and special support for the category of \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets

AlgebraicRewriting supports:

  • DPO, SPO, SqPO, Conegation, and PBPO+ rewriting
  • Rewriting with attributes (e.g. Int, Tuple{String, Float64})
  • Application conditions (e.g. PAC, NAC, arbitrary commutative diagram constraints)
  • Automated morphism search and incremental homomorphism search
  • Automated functorial migration of rewrite rules between different schemas
  • Enumeration of partial overlaps between graphs / \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets

Installation is easy: just download Julia

using Pkg; Pkg.add("AlgebraicRewriting")

II. Catlab basics review

  • Declaring \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets
    • Manually, via @acset
    • Via custom functions, e.g. cycle_graph
    • Via (co)limits
  • Declaring morphisms between \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets
    • Manually, by specifying each component (e.g. V=[2,3], E=[1])
    • Via automated search + constraints, (e.g. monic=true)
  • CSet schemas (ACSet schemas)
    • DDS, Graph, Petri Net (ChemicalRxn)
  • Data migration:
    • Functor between schemas presents transformation process on instances
    • DDS to Graph, Graph to Petri Net

II. AlgebraicRewriting basics

AlgebraicRewriting introduces the Rule data structure:

zero = Graph(0)
edge = path_graph(Graph, 2)
del_edge = Rule{:SPO}(homomorphism(zero, edge),  # L <- I
                      id(zero);                  # I -> R
                      monic=true                 # constraints on the match morphisms
                      ac=[PAC(...), NAC(...)]    # feed in morphisms L -> P, L -> N

rewrite(del_edge, G)                       # result of applying an arbitrary match
L_to_G = homomorphism(edge, G)             # pick a specific match
rewrite_match(del_edge, L_to_G)            # rewrite with a specific match
res = rewrite_match_maps(del_edge, L_to_G) # return the entire derivation diagram

Attributed \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets (ACSets) can have concrete attribute values or variables (AttrVars).

  • We can manipute the concrete variables with custom code
L = @acset WeightedGraph{Float64} begin
  V=2; E=2; Weight=2; src=[1,1]; tgt=[2,2]; 
  weight=[AttrVar(1), AttrVar(2)] 
I = WeightedGraph{Float64}(2)
R = @acset WeightedGraph{Float64} begin 
  V=2; E=1; Weight=1; src=1; tgt=2; 
l = homomorphism(I,L; monic=true)
r = homomorphism(I,R; monic=true)
merge_multiply = Rule(l, r; monic=[:E],
  expr=Dict(:Weight=>[(w1, w2) -> w1*w2]))

III. Rewrite programs: SMCs

Symmetric monoidal categories are a desirable structure for one’s syntax to have:

  • Can be graphically depicted
  • Can serve as the syntax for varying semantics

III. Rewrite programs: SMC composition

Symmetric monoidal categories are a desirable structure for one’s syntax to have:

  • Can be graphically depicted
  • Can serve as the syntax for varying semantics
  • Can be composed in parallel or in series
  • With further traced structure, we can have loops.

III. Rewrite programs: SMC substitution

Symmetric monoidal categories are a desirable structure for one’s syntax to have:

  • Can be graphically depicted
  • Can serve as the syntax for varying semantics
  • Can be composed in parallel or in series
  • With further traced structure, we can have loops.
  • Can be operadically substituted

Graphical language of function composition

\(\mathbf{Set_*}\) has the required traced monoidal structure (using coproducts for \(\otimes\)).

Thus we can use this language to talk about composition of functions.

Think of rewrite rule add_loop as a function1 \(Grph \rightarrow Grph + Grph\):

Add a loop to a vertex. If none exists, then add a vertex, then give it a loop.

Graphical language of function composition

New primitive type of box for control flow:

  • Can only redirect its input, not modify it
  • \(A \xrightarrow{f} n \times A\) for \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) such that \(f\cdot \pi_i = id_A\)

Remove edges, until we have a DAG

Remove an edge, distinguish between cases of empty result or not

Graphical language of dynamic function composition

Mealy machines (or dynamic functions) seem to form a symmetric monoidal category.1

\[Hom_{\mathbf{Meal}}(A:Set,B:Set) := \left\{\left(S : \mathsf{Set},\ s_0 : S,\ \phi\colon A\times S\to S\times B\right)\right\}\]

  • We allow Control boxes to have nontrivial state.

A control flow box which decrements its internal state each time it is entered:

A box which behaves like Add Loop the first three times it is used, then like Delete Vertex:

Control of matches via a notion of ‘agent’

Our wires are labeled with “agent shapes”. These are \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets.

  • Set of possible values associated with a wire is the set of morphisms \(A \rightarrow G\) for some \(\mathsf{C}\)-Set \(G\).

  • Crucial difference between adding a loop to some vertex vs adding a loop to this vertex.
  • Gradient between two extremes:
    • determinism (\(A = L\))
    • nondeterminism (\(A = \varnothing\))

Example of rewriting with control of matches

Example: Binary DAGs

Suppose we want to classify binary DAGs1

Example: Binary DAGs

Rewrite program in a category with schema \(\boxed{V \leftleftarrows E \leftarrow Seen}\)

Weaken: switching to less specific agents

Weaken is specified by a morphism \(Hom_{C\mathsf{Set}}(A,B)\).

  • It converts \(B\)-agents to \(A\)-agents without changing the state of the world.
  • It acts upon an agent via precomposition.
  • Equivalent to a rewrite rule with \(A_{in} = L = I = R\)

Weaken: switching to less specific agents

Weaken is specified by a morphism \(Hom_{C\mathsf{Set}}(A,B)\).

  • It converts \(B\)-agents to \(A\)-agents without changing the state of the world.
  • It acts upon an agent via precomposition.
  • Equivalent to a rewrite rule with \(A_{in} = L = I = R\)

We can always weaken with the initial object:

  • Rewriting with initial agent is forgoing any explicit control of matches.

The Query primitive: more specific agents

Required data:


Fully connect all the outneighbor vertices of some distinguished loop

Summary of rewriting programs

  • Mealy machine primitives composed via directed wiring diagrams
  • Wires represent sets of morphisms \(A \rightarrow X\) for a fixed \(A\)
  • Changes are only performed by Rule
  • Shifting ‘agent’ focus performed by Query and Weaken

Implementing ABMs via agent-based programs

Why are these rewriting ‘programs’ rather than ‘models’?

These feel less like programs compared to (equivalent) syntax like:

def simulate(X: Graph, steps: int) -> Graph:
  for step in steps:
    for match in homomorphisms(sheep, X):
      if length(homomorphisms(match, X)) > 3:
        res = rewrite(rule5, match)
        if success(res):
  • Can be graphically depicted
  • Can be composed in parallel or in series
  • Can be operadically substituted
  • Can easily vary semantics

Nevertheless, this is not suited for agent-based modeling

  • Control flow fundamentally imperative rather than declarative.
    • To understand a diagram, you must run a simulation in your head.
  • No built-in notion of time
    • Always a linear sequence of events
    • No capability for concurrency
    • No capability for continuous time events

IV: Agent-based modeling1

These models are continuous time with discrete events and continuous dynamics.

To first order, an ABM is:

  • A schema: possible world states are ACSet instances

IV: Agent-based modeling1

These models are continuous time with discrete events and continuous dynamics.

To first order, an ABM is:

  • A schema: possible world states are ACSet instances
  • A collection of rewrite rules, \(\rho_i :: (L_i \leftarrowtail I_i \rightarrow R_i)\rightarrow \mathbf{ACSet}\)
    • An associated collection of ‘timers\(T_i :: \mathsf{P}([0,\infty])\).

IV: Semi-Markovian ‘timers’

The probability measure captures a ‘residence time’:

  • how long it takes to happen, conditional on nothing else happening first to remove it from that state.

  • “staying in a state” = “match persists” over time


Generalization: these are parameterized by the state of the world:

  • the probability of (\(S_i\), \(I_j\)) depends on the viral load of \(I_j\)
  • the probability of \(I_j\) recovering depends on the total # of doctors

IV: Agent-based modeling1

These models are continuous time with discrete events and continuous dynamics.

To first order, an ABM is:

  • A schema: possible world states are ACSet instances
  • A collection of rewrite rules, \(\rho_i :: (L_i \leftarrowtail I_i \rightarrow R_i)\rightarrow \mathbf{ACSet}\)
    • An associated collection of ‘timers\(T_i :: \mathsf{P}([0,\infty])\).
  • A collection of continuous dynamics, given by ODEs \(O_j\)
    • An associated collection of patterns, \(P_j :: \operatorname{Ob}(\mathbf{ACSet})\).
    • Partial functions from \(P_j\) variables to \(O_j\) variables.

Example: Game of Life

@present SchLifeGraph <: SchSymmetricGraph begin 
  Life::Ob; live::Hom(Life,V)
@acset_type LifeState(SchLifeGraph); # defines LifeState

# Helper functions / building blocks 
Cell = LifeState(1) # one vertex, nothing else
LiveCell = @acset LifeState begin V=1; Life=1; live=1 end 
to_life = homomorphism(Cell, LiveCell);

living_neighbors(n::Int; alive=true)::ACSetTransformation = ...

# Rules 
underpop = TickRule(:Underpop, to_life, id(Cell); 

overpop = TickRule(:Overpop, to_life, id(Cell); 

birth = TickRule(:Birth, id(Cell), to_life; 
                 ac=[PAC(living_neighbors(3; alive=false)),
                     NAC(living_neighbors(4; alive=false)),
                     NAC(to_life)]); # doesn't apply if alive

GoL = ABM([underpop, overpop, birth]) # model is just the rules

Example: Petri net token semantics

sir_pn = @acset LabelledPetriNet begin 
  S=3; sname=[:S,:I,:R]
  T=2; tname=[:inf,:rec]
  I=3; is=[1,2,2]; it=[1,1,2];
  O=3; os=[2,2,3]; ot=[1,1,2]

# Create ABM by associating stochastic timers with each T
abm = ABM(sir_pn, (inf=ContinuousHazard(1000),
                   rec=ContinuousHazard(Weibull(30, 5)...)));
# Initial state
init = PetriNetCSet(sir_pn; S=95, I=5)
# Run the model
res = run!(abm, init; maxtime=2000);

Performance: representable patterns

In certain circumstances, we don’t have to keep track of all the matches explicitly.

  • We have a simple exponential (memoryless) probability distribution
  • The pattern is a coproduct of representables (e.g. \(L = \bullet \oplus \bullet \rightarrow \bullet\))

In this case, rather than draw a timer for every \((S, I)\) pair with probability \(e^{-kt}\), we draw just one timer with probability \(e^{-k*(|S|*|I|)t}\), then randomly pick a match at firing time.

Synthesis of agent-based programs and models

One does not have to choose between ABP and ABM. In fact, we can use both:

  • Generalize the earlier definition of ABM: pairs of ABP+timer
  • Our previous formalism is a special case where all programs consist in just a single rule.

This lets us express things such as: after 5.0 s, something definitely happens, but which rule is applied depends on coin toss (or first one rule is tried, and a different is tried if that fails).

V: Conclusion

  • AlgebraicRewriting is expressive, powerful, easy to install, easy to use.
    • AlgebraicJulia is moving in a direction of factoring out our language-specific features, so that the same core can be instantiated in Python, Java, Rust, etc.
  • Graphical rewrite programs built from ControlFlow, Rewrite, Query, and Weaken
    • This syntax can be given a solid mathematical semantics.
    • Control flow + language for control over matches
  • Agent-based models can be constructed declaratively
    • A clear separation of schema, actions, and timing.
    • We could associate timers with entire programs, rather than individual rules.
    • This can be used for cellular automata, epidemiology, operations research

About the Topos Institute

Mission: to shape technology for public benefit by advancing sciences of connection and integration.

Three pillars of our work, from theory to practice to social impact:

  1. Collaborative modeling in science and engineering
  2. Collective intelligence, including theories of systems and interaction
  3. Research ethics

II. Catlab basics preview

  • Declaring \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets
    • Manually, via @acset
    • Via custom functions, e.g. cycle_graph
    • Via (co)limits
  • Declaring morphisms between \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets
    • Manually, by specifying each component (e.g. V=[2,3], E=[1])
    • Via automated search + constraints, (e.g. monic=true)
  • CSet schemas (ACSet schemas)
    • DDS, Graph, Petri Net (ChemicalRxn)
  • Data migration:
    • Functor between schemas presents transformation process on instances
    • DDS to Graph, Graph to Petri Net

II. Catlab basics: category of directed multigraphs

Manually creating a graph

G = @acset Graph begin 
  V=3; E=3; src=[1,1,2]; tgt=[1,2,2]

Specifying via built-in constructors and coproducts

G = path_graph(Graph, 3)  cycle_graph(Graph, 3)

H = subobject_classifier(Graph)  ob(terminal(Graph))

Manually specifying a graph homomorphism

h = ACSetTransformation(
  path_graph(Graph, 2), cycle_graph(Graph, 5);
  V=[2,3], E=[2]

@test is_natural(h) # check naturality

Finding all homomorphisms \(X \rightarrow Y\) via automated search

hs = homomorphisms(X, Y; monic=[:E],              # the edge component is injective,
                         epic=[:V],               # the vertex component is surjective, and
                         initial=(V=Dict(2=>3),)) # X's V2 is mapped to Y's V3

II. Catlab basics: attributes

We are not limited to working with the category of directed multigraphs. Attributed C-Sets (ACSets) can have concrete attribute values in the ambient programming language.

@present SchChemicalRxn(FreeSchema) begin
  (Atom, Bond, Molecule)::Ob
  # Functional relationships
  bond_atom::Hom(Bond, Atom)
  bond_pair::Hom(Bond, Bond)
  molecule::Hom(Atom, Molecule)
  # Equations
  bond_pair  bond_pair == id(Bond)
  # Data types and attributes
  (N, ℝ)::AttrType
  atomic_number::Attr(Atom, N)
  stoichiometry::Attr(Molecule, ℝ)

@acset_type ChemicalRxn(SchChemicalRxn){Int, Float64} 

O2 = @acset ChemicalRxn begin
  Atom=2; Bond=4; Molecule=1
  bond_atom=[1,2,1,2]; bond_pair=[2,1,4,3]
  atomic_number=[8, 8]; molecule=[1,1]

II. Catlab basics: attributes

We are not limited to working with the category of directed multigraphs. Attributed C-Sets (ACSets) can have concrete attribute values in the ambient programming language.

@present SchChemicalRxn(FreeSchema) begin
  (Atom, Bond, Molecule)::Ob
  # Functional relationships
  bond_atom::Hom(Bond, Atom)
  bond_pair::Hom(Bond, Bond)
  molecule::Hom(Atom, Molecule)
  # Equations
  bond_pair  bond_pair == id(Bond)
  # Data types and attributes
  (N, ℝ)::AttrType
  atomic_number::Attr(Atom, N)
  stoichiometry::Attr(Molecule, ℝ)

@acset_type ChemicalRxn(SchChemicalRxn){Int, Float64} 

O2 = @acset ChemicalRxn begin
  Atom=2; Bond=4; Molecule=1
  bond_atom=[1,2,1,2]; bond_pair=[2,1,4,3]
  atomic_number=[8, 8]; molecule=[1,1]

# Get a symmetry of the molecule: swap the atoms
sigma = homomorphism(O2, O2; initial=(Atom=[2,1],))

II. Catlab basics: more schemas

A discrete dynamical system as a set of states and a \(next\) function.

@present SchDiscreteDynamicalSys(FreeSchema) begin
  next::Hom(State, State)
@acset_type DDS(SchDiscreteDynamicalSys)

A petri net has a set of states, transitions, and input/output multirelations.

@present SchPetriNet(FreeSchema) begin
  (S,T,I,O)::Ob; is::Hom(I, S);
  it::Hom(I,T); os::Hom(O, S); ot::Hom(O,T)
@acset_type PetriNet(SchPetriNet)

An example discrete dynamical system and example Petri net:

dds = @acset DDS begin 
  State=3; next=[1,3,2]

pn = @acset PetriNet begin 
  S=3; T=2; I=3; O=3;
  is=[1,2,2]; it=[1,1,2];
  os=[2,2,3]; ot=[1,1,2]

II. Catlab basics: data migration

DDS as a special kind of directed graph:

  • each vertex has a “next” edge.

Graphs as a special kind of Petri net

  • each edge is a 1-input, 1-output transition.

State, = generators(SchDiscreteDynamicalSys, :Ob)

# A DDS-to-Graph converter
F₂ = FinFunctor(Dict(:E=>:State,:V=>:State),         
                Dict(:src=>id(State), :tgt=>:next), 
                SchGraph, SchDiscreteDynamicalSys)
V, E = generators(SchGraph, :Ob)

# A Graph-to-Petri-Net converter
F₁ = FinFunctor(Dict(:I=>:E,:O=>:E, :T=>:E,:S=>:V),             
                Dict(:is=>:src,:os=>:tgt,:it=>id(E), :ot=>id(E)),
                SchPetriNet, SchGraph)                           

Catlab makes these intuitions computable

dds = @acset DDS begin State=2; next=[2,1] end 
P = migrate(PetriNet, dds, DeltaMigration(F₁  F₂))